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Lines in the landscape Cursus monuments in the Upper Thames Valley Excavations at the Drayton and Lechlade cursuses

AuteurBarclay A., Lambrick G., Moore J. & Robinson M.




SerieThames Valley Landscapes Monograph




UitgeverOxford Archaeological Unit



Citation key--



Exemplaar42189 ReknummerT-25-1-d

Introduction to the volume 1-4
Barclay A. & Lambrick G.

Introduction to the Drayton Cursus Excavations 5-14
Barclay A., Lambrick G., Moore J. & Robinson M.
  • Archaeological background, Geology, topography and environmental background, Development of the physical environment, ... , pp. 6-10
  • ... Objectives and methods of the OAU excavations and the post-excavation analysis 1984-95 (Report structure, Phasing of the Drayton North excavations (Summary of the evidence, Pre-cursus activity (pre- , pp. 11-13
  • ... Pre-cursus activity (pre-3600 cal BC), Cursus construction (3600-3300 cal BC), Beaker activity (2500-1700 cal BC), Early Bronze Age barrows (?2250-1500 cal BC), , p. 13
  • ... Later prehistoric activity (1500/350-50 cal BC), Roman enclosures and field system, Saxon and medieval settlement / activity), Notes, Context notation, The side grid) , p. 13

Excavations at Drayton South, 1921-37, Drayton Highways Depot, 1994 and Corporation Farm, 1971-4 15-40
Barclay A., Bell C., Henderson E., Henderson R., Loveday R., Moore J. & Shand P.
  • Barclay A. & Loveday R. : A review or E T Leeds' excavations 1921-37 (Cursus ditch, Neolithic burials and mortuary deposits in pits F and V), Neolithic and Bronze Age pits, Beaker burials, Bronze Age barrows, ... , pp. 16-22
  • Barclay A. & Loveday R. : ... Roman ditches, Saxon settlement) , p. 23
  • Barclay A., Bell C. & Moore J. : Excavations at the Drayton Highways Depot, 1994 (Archaeological background, Methodology, Description, Worked flint, Pottery (Neolithic, Bronze Age, Roman, Saxon), Roman tile, ... , pp. 23-29
  • Barclay A., Bell C. & Moore J. : ... Animal bone, Charred plant remains)... , pp. 29-30
  • Shand P., Henderson E., Henderson R. & Barclay A. : Corporation Farm, Wilsham Road, Abingdon: a summary of the Neolithic and Bronze Age (Neolithic and early Bronze Age ritual landscape, Late Bronze Age encolsures and field system, Discussion) , pp. 31-40

The excavations of the Drayton North Cursus: Earlier prehistoric evidence 41-102
Barclay A., Lambrick G. Moore J., Robinson M. & Wallis J.
  • Lambrick G. & Barclay A. : The pre-alluvial ground surface (Method of excavation, Interpretative description, Finds from the 1986 surface (worked flint, Worked stone, Potery), Discussion (Pre-cursus activity) , pp. 42-59
  • Tree-throw holes and treee clearance (Finds from the tree-throw holes, Radiocarbon dates from the tree-throw holes, Tree clearance and the Neolithic environment) , pp. 60-66
  • The cursus monument (Associated monuments, The monument form, West ditch, East ditch, Finds from the cursus ditches, Cursus bank, Features recorded in or near Area B., ... , pp. 67-82
  • ... Radiocarbon dates from the east cursus ditch, Archaeomagnetic dating) , p. 82
  • Peterborough ware associated features and later Neolithic pits (Catalogue of worked flint, Catalogue of worked stone) , pp. 82-83
  • Grooved Ware and Beaker activity (Grooved Ware pits, Beaker "flat grave" 9, Beaker pits) , pp. 83-89
  • Indeterminate features (Pits and postholes west of the cursus, Pits or tree-throw holes, Pits and postholes within area A.) , pp. 89-90
  • Discussion: the prehistoric evidence: the construction, labour requirements and form of the Drayton North cursus (The cursus and the natural landscape, Development of the Drayton cursus complex, ... , pp. 93-98
  • ... The artefact scatter in Ara A, Pits and pit digging, The evidence for special deposits, The function of the cursus: ritual line of cermonial way?, The cursus and the wider landscape) , pp. 98-102

The excavations of the Drayton North Cursus: Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and Later evidence 103-124
Barclay A., Lambrick & Moore J.
  • The later prehistoric, Roman and later landscape (Area A: the later prehistoric ditch, Roman field system, Alluvial sequence), Saxon and medieval features (Structures, Sunken-featured buildings)... , pp. 104-121
  • Discussion (The Roman fields, The context of the wider Roman landscape, The wider context, The Saxon and medieval sequence) , pp. 121-124

Artefacts 125-156
  • Holgate R., Bradley P. & Wallis J. : Worked flint (Raw materials, Technology, Flint associated with the cursus, Flint from the Neolithic-Beaker features, Beaker burial, Flint from the tree-throw holes, Preserved ground surface, ... , pp. 126-131
  • Holgate R., Bradley P. & Wallis J. : ... Flint from the Romano-British and later contexts, Flint from R. T. Leeds' excavations at Sutton Courtenay, Flint from Drayton Highways Depot, Discussion)... , pp. 131-133
  • Roe F. : ... Stone axe... , p. 134
  • Cleal R., Case H. & Barclay A. : ... Neolithic and Bronze Age pottery (Peterborough Ware, Grooved Ware, Beaker, Indeterminate late Neolithic / Early Bronze Age and other pottery, Discussion), ... , pp. 135-147
  • Barclay A. : ... Fired clay, ... , p. 148
  • Barclay A. : ...Iron Age pottery (Introduction and methodology, Fabrics, Forms and surface treatment, Discussion), ... , p. 148
  • Booth P. : ... Roman pottery (Introduction and methodology, Fabrics, Form, Context and chronology, Conclusion), ... , pp. 149-153
  • Booth P. : ... Anglo-Saxon pottery, ... , p. 153
  • Allen L. : ... Other finds, ... , pp. 153-154
  • Allen L. : ... Tile , pp. 155-156

Environmental evidence 157-178
Robinson M.
  • Ayres K. & Powell A. : Animal bones (Methodology, DraytonCursus, Preserved ground surface, Measurements (Cattle, Sheep / Goat, Pig), Other neolithic features, Comparison with other Neolithic assemblages, Conclusion), ... , pp. 158-162
  • Robinson M. : ... Palaeoenvironmental studies (Introduction and sampling, Sample analysis and results, The hydorology and soil of the Neolithic floodplain, The tree-throw holes, ... , pp. 162-165
  • Robinson M. : ... Beaker and undated earlier prehistoric pits, The burnt spreads and related deposits, The cursus ditches, Iron Age to medieval hydorlogy and alluviation of the floodplain, ... , pp. 168-171
  • ... Iron Age to Medieval environment and use of the floodplain, Vegetation on the clay slope in trench 5) , pp. 172-178

Dating evidence 179-188
  • Bayliss A., Barclay A., Lambrick G. & Robinson M. : Radiocarbon determinations , pp. 180-185
  • Clarck A. J. : Archaeomagnetic dating , pp. 185-188

The excavation of the Lechlade Cursus 189-214
Barclay A., Miles D., Moore J., Lance Vatcher F. & Lance Vatcher M.
  • Archaeological background , p. 190
  • Bartlett A. & Payne A. : Geophysical survey (Methods (Resistivity, Magnetometry), Results) , pp. 190-194
  • The 1965 excavation, The 1985 excavation (West ditch, East ditch, Iron Age settlement (Round house , Rectilinear structure), Miscellaneous features , pp. 194-199
  • Bradley P. : Worked flint , pp. 199-202
  • Barclay A. : Neolithic pottery (Introduction and methodology, Fabric, Peterborough Ware, Grooved Ware, Indeterminate Neolithic, Discussion) , pp. 202-204
  • Barclay A. : Iron Age pottery (Introduction and methodology, Fabrics, Forms, decoration and surface treatment, Discussion) , pp. 205-206
  • Barclay A. : Fired clay , p. 207
  • Ayres K. & Powell A. : Animal bone , p. 207
  • Robinson M. : Molluscs and charred plat remains , p. 208
  • Discussion (Development of the Lechlade Cursus complex, The Lechlade Cursus, Iron Age settlement and later reuse of the cursus) , pp. 209-214

Gazetteer of Cursus and related monuments in the Upper Thames Valley 215-232
Barclay A. & Bereton S.
  • A history of research, Selection of sites, Construction and design, Siting, Orientation, ... , pp. 216-221
  • ... Associated monuments (Long barrows, Long mortuary enclosures and oval barrows, Hengiform ring ditches, Henge, Post-circles, Bonze Age barrows and barrow cemeteries), ... , pp. 222-223
  • ... Relationship patterns (relationships between associated monuments and the cursuses, Relationships between different cursus complexes, Relationship between curusus monuments and other monument types) , p. 223
  • ... Discussion (Gazetteer of sites (Benson, Buscot Wick, Dorchester-on-Thames, Drayton North, Drayton St Leonard, Drayton South, Lechlade, North Stoke, South Stoke, Stadhampton) , pp. 224-232

Synthesis and discussion of Cursus Monuments in the Upper Thames Valley and their national context 233-244
Barclay A., Lambrick G., Moore J. & Robinson M.
  • Cursus chronology, Landscape and the development of monument complexes in the Upper Thames Valley, Cursus building: purposes and construction, ... , pp. 235-240
  • ... Drayton and Lechlade in theri regional context, Comparison with other regions) , pp. 241-244

Appendices 245-250
  • 1. An explanation of tree-throw hole stratigraphy, 2. The labour requirements for the construction of the Drayton North Cursus, 3. Supporting environmental data , pp. 245-250
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