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Barentin's Manor Excavations of the Moated Manor at Harding's Field Chalgrove Oxfordshire 1976-9

AuteurPage P., Atherton K. & Hardy A.




SerieThames Valley Landscapes Monograph




UitgeverOxford Archaeological Unit



Citation key--



Exemplaar23549 ReknummerT-25-1-d

The project and the history of the site 1-20
  • Introduction (Site location, topography and geology, Archaeological and historical background) , pp. 1-8
  • The manorial history of Chalgrove , pp. 9-13
  • Moated sites in Oxfordshire , pp. 14-15
  • The fieldwork (Earthworks survey, The excavation methodology) , pp. 16-17
  • The report and archive , pp. 18-20

Archaeological description 21-56
  • Introduction (The site prior to excavation, The phasing and chronology of the archaeology, The recording methodology) , p. 21
  • The excavations (Phase 1. Late 12th to early 13th century, Phase 2. Mid to late 13th century, Phase 3. Early 14th century, Phase 3/2 early to mid 14th century, Phase 4. Late 14th to early 15th century, Phase 5. Mid to late 15th century) , pp. 21-55

Finds 57-112
  • Page P. & Tremolet C. : Pottery , pp. 57-76
  • Archibald M. : The coins and jettons , p. 77
  • Goodall A. & Atherton K. : Objects of copper alloy (Devotional objects, Decorative fittings, Personal objects, Bells, Domestic objects, Fixtures and fittings, Lace tags, Pins, Miscellaneous) , pp. 78-88
  • Goodall A. & Atherton K. : Objects of lead and pewter (Personal and domestic objects, Structural lead, Mescellaneous) , pp. 88-91
  • Goodall I., Atherton K. & Ellis B. : Iron Objects (Tools, Knives, shears and scissors, Building ironwork and furniture fittings, Locks and keys, Household ironwork, Buckles and personal fittings, Horse equipment (spurs and spur buckle)Weapons, Miscellaneous) , pp. 92-106
  • Salter C. : Slags (Ironwork slags, Furnace-lining material, Copper-based alloys, Natural objects, Other objects) , pp. 106-107
  • White R. : Objects of antler, bone and ivory , pp. 108-109
  • Haslam J. : Vessel glass (English medieval glass, Imported medieval glass) , pp. 109-110
  • Carstairs P., Powell P. & Page P. : Stone objects (The mortar fragments, The hones and querns) , pp. 111-112
  • Other finds , p. 112

Building materials 113-124
  • Robinson S. : Tile (Floor tile, Roof tile) , pp. 113-115
  • Steane J. : Bricks , p. 116
  • Blair J. : Architectural stone , pp. 116-119
  • Page P. & Carlinge J. : Stone slates , p. 120
  • Smithson S. : Plaster, mortar and daub , p. 121
  • Knight B. : Window lead , pp. 121-122
  • Channer J. : Window glass , pp. 122-124

Environmental evidence 125-154
  • Wilson B. : Animal bones and shells (Summary, Introduction, Occurence of species, Distribution of skeletal elements (Objectives, Skeletal elements of sheep, pig, cattle, rabbit and hare, domestic fowl, mandibles), Bones form sieved samples, ... , pp. 125-140
  • ... Articulated bones and skeletons, Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI), Age information from mandibles and comparison with other sites, Bone measurement: size and sex, Pathology, Butchery, Discussion) , pp. 1401-152
  • Robinson M. : Environmental evidence (Invertebrate and seed remains from the moat, Interpretation, The charcoal) , pp. 153-154

Discussion 155-172
  • Structural development , pp. 155-169
  • The material culture of the manor , pp. 170-171
  • Conclusion , p. 172
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