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Fishery, trade and piracy = Visserij, handel en piraterij


EditorPieters M., Verhaeghe F. & Gevaert G.



SerieArcheologie in Vlaanderen Monografie


SubtitelFishermen and fishermen's settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later = Vissers en vissersnederzettingen in en rond de Noordzee in de Middeleeuwen en later


UitgeverVlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed



Citation key--



Exemplaar35148 ReknummerBIB-17-B-3

Exemplaar109444 ReknummerGent

Woord vooraf 9-10
Pieters M., Verhaeghe F. & Gevaert G.

Preface 11-12
Pieters M., Verhaeghe F. & Gevaert G.

Walraversijde (19-92)
Walraversijde, another kettle of fish? Dynamics and identity of a late medieval coastal settlement in a proto-capitalistic landscape 19-40
Tys D.
The archaeology of fishery, trade and piracy : the material environment of Walraversijde and other late medieval and early modern fishing communities along the southern North Sea 41-61
Pieters M.
Fish in a medieval fishing village along the North Sea : what do isotopes have to say? 63-80
Schietecatte L. & Sealy J.
From evidence to physical reconstruction : recreating mediaeval Walraversijde 81-92
Kightly C.

Vis en vissersnederzettingen in Vlaanderen en Zeeland = Fish and fishing stettlements in Flanders and Zeeland (95-147)
The zooarchaeological reconstruction of the development of the exploitation of the sea : a status quaestionis for Flanders 95-103
Van Neer W. & Ervynck A.
Het afsmeken van hemelse hulp als cultuurelement van de traditionele vissersgemeenschap, ook in Walraversijde 105-119
Van Bulck G.
Material Culture as a source of evidence: fragile glass in the hands of fishermen and pirates. Common commodities or exceptional finds? Preliminary results on the archaeological vessel glass of Walraversijde and other archeological sites in coastal (…) 121-147
Caluwé D.

Boten, vistuig en maritieme activiteiten in en rond het Noorzeegebied = Boats, fishing gear and maritime activities in and around the Northsea area (151-213)
Laat- en postmiddeleeuwse visserschepen van de Zuiderzee 151-169
Vlierman K.
Early medieval fishing implements of bone and antler 171-180
Riddler I.
South Devon : economy, society, culture 181-193
Fox H.
The Danish coastal landscape, fishery and transport 1050 - 1700 195-206
Busch M.
Maritime activities on the southern coast of Finland 500-1550 AD : settlement history from the viewpoint of archaeology, history, biology and geology 207-213
Alenius T., Haggrén G., Jansson H. & Miettinen A.

Living on the edge of the land : a few preliminary conclusions 215-219
Verhaeghe F.
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