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Saved from the grave

AuteurAlle T.G. & Kamash Z.




SerieThames Valley Landscapes Monograph


SubtitelNeolithic to Saxon discoveries at Spring Road municipal cemetery Abingdon Oxfordshire 1990-2000


UitgeverOxford Archaeological Unit



Citation key--



Exemplaar72367 ReknummerT-25-1-d

Introduction 1-8
Allen T.
  • Location, geology and topography , p. 1
  • Circumstances of the project , p. 1
  • Archaeological and historical background of the area . Prehistoric, Late Iron Age and Roman, Anglo-Saxon, medieval and post-medieval , pp. 1-6
  • Previous archaeology of the spring road cemetery , p. 6
  • Location of the archive , pp. 6-7
  • Radiocarbon dates , p. 7
  • Publication , pp. 7-8

Archaeological description 9-32
Kamash Z. & Allen T.
  • Neolithic and beaker features , p. 9
  • Bronze age features , pp. 9-13
  • Iron age features . Iron Age roundhouse, Human burials, Pits, Other postholes and curvilinear gully 2712, Iron age finds from modern graves , pp. 13-19
  • Roman features , pp. 19-25
  • Saxon features , pp. 25-28
  • Medieval and post-medieval features , pp. 28-32

The finds 33-56
  • Lamdin-Whymark H. : Struck flint , pp. 33-35
  • Lamdin-Whymark H. : Stone , pp. 35-37
  • Barclay A. : Neolithic and early bronze age pottery . Plain Bowl, Peterborough Ware, Grooved Ware, Beaker, Early Bronze Age, Illustrated catalogue , pp. 37-39
  • Barclay A. : Later bronze age pottery , pp. 39-42
  • Timby J. : Later prehistoric pottery , pp. 42-45
  • Timby J. : Roman pottery , pp. 45-47
  • Blinkhorn P. : Post-Roman pottery , pp. 47-48
  • Briscoe D. : Stamped saxon sherds , pp. 48-53
  • Timby J. & Barclay A. : Fired clay , pp. 53-54
  • Northover P. : Analysis of a copper awl , p. 54
  • Booth P. : Roman coins , pp. 54-55
  • Allen L. & Henig M. : Other metal objects , p. 55
  • Allen L. & Allen T. : Worked bone objects , pp. 55-56
  • Tyson R. : Glass , p. 56

The environmental evidence 57-60
  • Boston C., Hacking P. & Boyle A. : Human skeletal assemblage . Beaker burial, Middle iron age burials , p. 57
  • Charles B. : Animal bones , pp. 57-58
  • Nokkert M. : Small animal remains , p. 58
  • Robinson M. : Charred plant remains , p. 58
  • Canti M.G. : Geoarchaeological report on soils , pp. 59-60

Scientific evidence 61-66
  • Marshall P., Allen T., Higham T., van der Plicht J. & Sparks R. : Radiocarbon dates , p. 61
  • Bartlett A. : Magnetometer and magnetic susceptibility survey , pp. 61-66

Discussion 67-92
Allen T. & Kamash Z.
  • Introduction , p. 67
  • Allen T. : Mesolithic period , p. 67
  • Kamash Z. & Allen T. : Neolithic activity , pp. 67-71
  • Allen T. : Beaker period , pp. 71-72
  • Allen T. & Kamash Z. : Bronze age , pp. 72-76
  • Allen T. : Iron age . The roundhouse, The iron age burials , pp. 76-79
  • Kamash Z. & Allen T. : The Roman enclosure system in areas 8 and 9 , pp. 79-85
  • Kamash Z. & Allen T. : Saxon period . The sunken-featured buildings , pp. 85-88
  • Allen T. : Medieval and post-medieval periods , pp. 88-92
  • Allen T. : Concluding remarks , p. 92
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