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The Thames through time

AuteurLambrick G. & Robinson M.




SerieThames Valley Landscapes Monograph


SubtitelThe archaeology of the Gravel Terraces of the Upper and Middle Thames The Thames Valley in Late Prehistory 1500BC-AD 50


UitgeverOxford Archaeological Unit



Citation key--



Exemplaar75348 ReknummerT-25-1-d

Introduction: change and society in late prehistory 1-15
Lambrick G.
  • The changing social, economic and political basis of late prehistoric society , pp. 1-2
  • Frameworks for studying late prehistory in the Thames Valley , pp. 3-5
  • Discovering late prehistory in the Thames Valley: sources and methods , pp. 5-11
  • Using the evidence: frameworks of interpretation , pp. 11-15

Setting the scene: the natural environment and the geography of settlement 17-51
Robinson M. & Lambrick G.
  • The study area . The geology, geomorphology and soils of the regions , pp. 17-23
  • The geography of late prehistoric settlement and landuse in the Thames Valley . The legacy of monuments, settlement patterns and landuse from earlier prehistory , pp. 23-25
  • The geography of late prehistoric settlement and landuse in the Thames Valley . The Upper Thames Valley and Tributaries , pp. 25-26
  • The geography of late prehistoric settlement and landuse in the Thames Valley . The Middle Thames Valley and Tributaries , pp. 27-28
  • The geography of late prehistoric settlement and landuse in the Thames Valley . Communal enclosures and late Iron Age developments , p. 28
  • The palaeohydrology of the Thames and its floodplain (The Middle and Late Bronze Age, The Iron Age) , pp. 29-34
  • The vegetation and environment of the Thames terraces and floodplain . The Middle Bronze Age Environment of the Upper Thames Valley , pp. 34-38
  • The vegetation and environment of the Thames terraces and floodplain . The Middle Bronze Age Environment of the Middle Thames Valley , pp. 38-40
  • The vegetation and environment of the Thames terraces and floodplain . The Late Bronze Age Environment of the Upper Thames Valley , pp. 40-41
  • The vegetation and environment of the Thames terraces and floodplain . The Late Bronze Age Environment of the Middle Thames Valley , pp. 41-42
  • The vegetation and environment of the Thames terraces and floodplain . The Early to Middle Iron Age Environment of the Upper Thames Valley , pp. 43-48
  • The vegetation and environment of the Thames terraces and floodplain . The Early to Middle Iron Age Environment of the Middle Thames Valley , pp. 48-49
  • The vegetation and environment of the Thames terraces and floodplain . The Late Iron Age and Early Roman Environment of the Upper Thames Valley (AD1-AD100) , pp. 49-51
  • The vegetation and environment of the Thames terraces and floodplain . The Late Iron Age Environment of the Middle Thames Valley , p. 51

Dividing up the countryside 53-90
Lambrick G.
  • Organising the countryside: woodland, open land, fields and enclosures (Woodland and Forest, Open land and pasture, Land division and enclosure) , pp. 53-56
  • The physical form of land division, fields and other boundaries . Open boundaries and tethering , pp. 56-57
  • The physical form of land division, fields and other boundaries . Physical manifestation of land division , pp. 57-62
  • The physical form of land division, fields and other boundaries . Large- and medium- scale land division , pp. 62-70
  • The physical form of land division, fields and other boundaries . Middle Bronze Age and later L-shaped enclosure ditches , pp. 70-73
  • Field systems and enclosures . Later Bronze Age and Iron Age co-axial and rectilinear field systems , pp. 73-80
  • Field systems and enclosures . Iron Age fields and land enclosure , pp. 80-90

Settlements and settlement patterns 91-131
Lambrick G.
  • Seasonal mobile living , pp. 91-94
  • Dispersed open settlements of the Later Bronze Age and Early Iron Age , pp. 94-99
  • Ordered open settlements of the Late Bronze Age , pp. 99-101
  • Settlements within Middle to Late Bronze Age field systems , pp. 101-105
  • Long-lived open settlements with pit clusters (Middle Thames, Upper Thames) , pp. 105-109
  • Iron Age house, pen and paddock settlements , pp. 109-115
  • Late Iron Age enclosure clusters , pp. 115-118
  • Enclosed farming settlements . Middle to late Bronze Age , pp. 118-119
  • Enclosed farming settlements . Early Iron Age enclosed settlements , pp. 119-120
  • Enclosed farming settlements . Middle to late Iron Age enclosed settlements in the Upper Thames Valley , pp. 120-127
  • Enclosed farming settlements . Middle to late Iron Age enclosed settlements in the Middle Thames Valley , pp. 127-131

Hearth and home: buildings and domestic culture 133-178
Lambrick G.
  • House architecture and usage . Methods of Construction (Post-rings, Building constructed with close-set posts, stake rings and walls trenches, Walling materials: wattle-and-daub, turf and other mass walling, Floors and external surfaces,... , pp. 133-137
  • ...Roofing materials)
  • House architecture and usage . Changes in construction methods , p. 137
  • House architecture and usage . Design, size, layout and facilities of roundhouses (Doorways, porches and vestibules, Subsidiary entrances, Interior layout and space) , pp. 137-142
  • House architecture and usage . Orientation, order and use: symbolic and practical (Light sources, Hearths, clay pits and other pits, Votive Deposits) , pp. 142-149
  • External living (Clustering and Pairing, Ancillary buildings and annexes, Other Buildings, The role of non-circular buildings and other structures) , pp. 149-155
  • Diet, food preparation and drinking (Processing of farm products, Drink, Cooking, Serving, eating and feasting) , pp. 155-167
  • Health and sickness (Food supply and nutrition) , pp. 167-169
  • Dress, ornament and personal appearance (Dress pins and brooches, Toggles and strap unions, Personal appearance and toiletries (Jewellery and other personal ornaments)) , pp. 169-178
  • Recreation, games and toys , p. 178

Making a living: production and exchange 179-236
Lambrick G.
  • Work areas and structures . Burnt mounds and associated features , pp. 179-181
  • Work areas and structures . Pits and hollows associated with burning , pp. 181-182
  • Work areas and structures . Sunken-floored industrial building , p. 182
  • Work areas and structures . Work areas, compounds and 'windbreaks' , p. 182
  • Domestic and communal crafts: evidence of tools, products and waste materials (Flint-knapping) , pp. 183-186
  • Carpentry, wood- and wicker-working . Woodworking tools , p. 186
  • Carpentry, wood- and wicker-working . Choice of woods and conversion of timber , p. 186
  • Carpentry, wood- and wicker-working . Structural carpentry and hurdles , pp. 186-189
  • Carpentry, wood- and wicker-working . Scabbards, handles, hafts and sticks , pp. 189-190
  • Carpentry, wood- and wicker-working . Log ladders , p. 190
  • Carpentry, wood- and wicker-working . Turning, carving and coopering , pp. 190-191
  • Textiles and cordage (Sources of fibre, Spinning, Dyeing, Weaving, Sewing and making clothes and other objects from fabrics) , pp. 191-197
  • Bone and antler working, animal skins and leather (Bone, antler and horn, Animal skins and other soft tissue) , pp. 197-198
  • Pottery and other ceramics (Techniques used in potting, The organisation of pottery production) , pp. 198-205
  • Stoneworking, quarrying and collection (Querns, Other tools and ornaments) , pp. 205-211
  • Salt , pp. 211-212
  • Metalworking and smithing . Metalworking evidence: raw materials, equipment, products and waste , p. 212
  • Metalworking and smithing . Bronzeworking (Later Bronze Age bronzeworking, Iron Age bronzeworking) , pp. 212-215
  • Metalworking and smithing . Ironworking (The introduction of iron, Iron Age inronworking) , pp. 215-219
  • Metalworking and smithing . Hybrid high temperature craftsmanship , pp. 219-220
  • Metalworking and smithing . Metal and metalwork exchange , pp. 220-221
  • Coinage , p. 221
  • Artistic design and fashion . Design on the small scale - the application of decorative techniques to objects , pp. 221-222
  • Artistic design and fashion . Style and fashion , pp. 222-223
  • Artistic design and fashion . The artistic content of design , p. 223
  • Artistic design and fashion . Surface finishes , pp. 223-224
  • Artistic design and fashion . The application of decoration to ordinary objects , p. 225
  • Artistic design and fashion . Art and design in later prehistoric society , p. 225
  • Transport and communications . Means of transport (Boats, Pedestrian transport, Animal transport and wheeled vehicles) , pp. 225-229
  • Transport and communications . Structures associated with river and floodplain communication (Revetments, waterfront structures and jetties, Bridges, fords and causeways, Floodplain causeways, trackways and paths, Overland routeways) , pp. 229-236

Living off the land: farming, water, storage and waste 237-282
Robinson M. & Lambrick G.
  • Late prehistoric farming in the Thames Valley . Tools for farming and subsistence (Cutting Hooks, Ploughs, Digging Equipment, Traction, Hunting and gathering) , pp. 237-240
  • Late prehistoric farming in the Thames Valley . Animal husbandry , pp. 240-249
  • Late prehistoric farming in the Thames Valley . Crops and their cultivation (Cereals, Other Crops, Cultivation and Harvesting) , pp. 249-260
  • Late prehistoric farming in the Thames Valley . Woodland management and products (Structural timbers and other wood, Fuel and other uses of plants) , pp. 260-262
  • Late prehistoric farming in the Thames Valley . Overview of the development of late prehistoric farming in the Thames Valley (Issues concerning the emergence of settled farming communities) , pp. 262-265
  • Water supply, storage and waste . Water sources (Use of natural water bodies, Creation and use of artificial water sources - collection of rainwater and dew, Creation and use of artificial water sources - waterholes, wells and ponds) , pp. 266-271
  • Water supply, storage and waste . Storage of produce (Four posters and similar structures ('Mega-posters'), Storage pits (Use of pits for grain storage, Use of pits for storage of other commodities, objects and hoards)) , pp. 271-278
  • Water supply, storage and waste . Waste, rubbish disposal and recycling (General patterns, Middens, Ditches, pits, disused waterholes and latrines) , pp. 278-282

Attitudes to life and death 283-327
Lambrick G.
  • 'Special deposits' and hoards . 'Special deposits' in settlements , pp. 283-287
  • 'Special deposits' and hoards . Hoarding , pp. 287-288
  • 'Special deposits' and hoards . The river and other watery places as a focus for deposition , pp. 288-294
  • Burials in monuments and cemeteries . Middle to late Bronze Age (Maintenance and reuse of pre-existing monuments, New barrows in the middle Bronze Age, 'Flat' urnfield cemeteries) , pp. 294-303
  • Burials in monuments and cemeteries . Middle to late Iron Age cemeteries and burials within structures , pp. 303-306
  • Burial practices away from formal burial grounds . Middle to late Bronze Age cremation burials in fields and by boundaries , pp. 306-309
  • Burial practices away from formal burial grounds . Late Bronze Age and Iron Age inhumation burials associated with boundaries , pp. 309-310
  • Burial practices away from formal burial grounds . Bound and bagged burials , pp. 310-311
  • Burial practices away from formal burial grounds . Disposal of human remains in watery places , pp. 311-312
  • Burial practices away from formal burial grounds . Burials in and around middle to late Bronze Age settlements , pp. 312-313
  • Burial practices away from formal burial grounds . Human remains in late Bronze Age and early Iron Age midden settlements , p. 313
  • Burial practices away from formal burial grounds . Human remains at Iron Age settlements in the Upper Thames Valley , pp. 313-315
  • Burial practices away from formal burial grounds . Human remains and Iron Age settlements in the Midle Thames Valley , pp. 315-316
  • Late Iron Age cremation burials and high status burials , pp. 316-319
  • The social and spiritual status of people . 'Normative' rites and disposal of the majority , p. 319
  • The social and spiritual status of people . Grave goods , pp. 319-320
  • The social and spiritual status of people . Evidence of the status of people buried in funerary monuments and cemeteries , pp. 320-321
  • The social and spiritual status of people . Young children , p. 321
  • The social and spiritual status of people . People buried in and around settlements compared with the Yarnton Cemetery , pp. 321-323
  • The social and spiritual status of people . Dismemberment, decapitation, disapprobation, sacrifice and cannibalism , pp. 323-325
  • Overview of changing burial customs , pp. 325-327

Communal interrelationships: sacred places, defence and politics 329-375
Lambrick G.
  • Ceremonial structures, shrines and other sacred places (Post-rings, Sacred enclosures and shrines, Celtic temples or shrines, Other sacred or symbolic structures) , pp. 329-339
  • Riverside and terrestrial middens , pp. 339-341
  • Weaponry and human remains in the river (The means of conflict) , pp. 341-343
  • Defensive enclosures and forts . Middle to late Bronze Age valley floor enclosures , pp. 343-344
  • Defensive enclosures and forts . Late Bronze Age hilltop enclosures , pp. 344-347
  • Defensive enclosures and forts . Other possible late Bronze Age hilltop enclosures , pp. 347-348
  • Defensive enclosures and forts . Iron Age forts , pp. 348-358
  • Defensive enclosures and forts . Extra-mural settlement , p. 358
  • The role of hilltop enclosures and forts as communal sites of special status . Late forts and enclosed oppida , pp. 358-368
  • The role of hilltop enclosures and forts as communal sites of special status . Territorial linear ditches , pp. 368-370
  • Political geography: political centres, tribal areas, rivers as boundaries, hillforts and central places , pp. 371-373
  • Late Iron Age power politics , pp. 373-375

Conclusions: the impact of change and legacies of late prehistoric society 377-397
Lambrick G.
  • Population dynamics (Developing a model of population change) , pp. 377-380
  • The emergence of fields and farms (Organising the land, What happened to residential mobility) , pp. 380-387
  • Community and family interaction . Family and community involvement in crafts and exchange , p. 387
  • Community and family interaction . Social relations and the bounding space , pp. 387-388
  • Community and family interaction . Producers and consumers? , pp. 388-389
  • Community and family interaction . Social and political hierarchies , pp. 389-390
  • Inertia versus Innovation: the effect of belief systems, rights, traditions and new ideas . Tenure as a possible influence on trajectories of settlement and landuse change , pp. 390-391
  • Inertia versus Innovation: the effect of belief systems, rights, traditions and new ideas . Technology and exchange , pp. 391-392
  • Inertia versus Innovation: the effect of belief systems, rights, traditions and new ideas . Belief systems and religion , pp. 392-393
  • Survivals and legacies . The inheritance from earlier prehistory , p. 393
  • Survivals and legacies . Legacies to Roman administered Thames Valley , pp. 393-395
  • Survivals and legacies . Living legacies today , pp. 395-397
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