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Exchanging Medieval material culture


EditorDe Groote K., Tys M. & Pieters M.



SerieRelicta monografieën


SubtitelStudies on archaeology and history presented to Frans Verhaege


UitgeverVlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed




Citation key--



Exemplaar76839 ReknummerBIB-17-B-4

Exemplaar104785 ReknummerHasselt

Exemplaar107963 ReknummerGent

Exemplaar110566 ReknummerAntwerpen

The nine lives of Frans Verhaeghe: an overview of his career until now 11-19
Tys D.

Material culture (21-204)
Admiration in clay, devotion on paper : archaeology, context and interpretation of an Anna Selbdritt statuette (1475-1515) from the Hanseatic town of Deventer, the Netherlands, in the context of early Renaissance poetry by Rudolf Agricola and book… 21-30
Bartels M.
...printing by Richard Pafraet
New Style Classification System 31-41
Clevis H. & Thijssen
Céramique commune post-médiévale 'marquée', en provenance de Malines (Belgique, province d'Anvers) 43-54
De Poorter A.
Medieval and later trade in textiles between Belgium and England. The picture from some finds of cloth seals 55-66
Egan G.
'Throw some more fuel on the fire' : the stove tiles of medieval Scotland 67-74
Haggerty G. & Hall D.
A jug on a jug : some thoughts on decorative function or functional decoration 75-79
Hillewaert B.
Red-painted and glazed ware of the early medieval period in western France: new data for previous interpretations, an assessment for northwestern Europe 81-91
Husi P.
Fifteenth-century pottery production in 's-Hertogenbosch. The excavation of two pottery workshops 93-136
Janssen H. & Nijhof E.
Prototype or Skeuomorph? : a lead urinal from Jervaulx Abbey, North Yorkshire (England) 137-142
Jennings S.
Twice three fishes from Walraversyde (Ostend, Belgium) 143-153
Pieters M.
Tripod ewers from medieval households: some thoughts on new discoveries 155-176
Redknap M.
Sherds from a church : maiolica production waste from the Augustinian friary in Antwerp 177-188
Veeckman J.
An overview of the dated stoneware (groups) from ships in the Netherlands (Zuiderzee region) and Novaya Zemlya (1200-1600) 189-204
Vlierman K.

Settlement and landscape (205-315)
The Merovingian cemetery of Broechem (B, province of Antwerp) in the North-Austrasian pagus Renensis 205-215
Annaert R.
Ename and the Ottonian west border policy in the middle Scheldt region 217-248
Callebaut D.
The contribution of archaeological sources to the research in the formation of towns. The example of Aalst, a border town in the county of Flanders 249-266
De Groote K.
A good riddance of bad rubbish? : scatological musings on rubbish disposal and the handling of 'filth' in medieval and early post-medieval towns 267-278
Evans D.H.
Micro history, archaeology and the study of housing culture : some thoughts on archaeological and historical data from a cesspit in 17th-century Breda 279-284
Hupperetz W.
Danish sponsors, English lead, Vikings, and roof for the church of Sainte Geneviève in Paris 285-288
Roesdahl E.
Medieval moated sites in coastal Flanders: the impact of social groups on the formation of the landscape in relation to the early states of the Count of Flanders 289-301
Tys D.
La dotation funéraire des tombes dites de 'chefs' dans le Nord-Ouest de la Gaule du 5e au 7e siècle 303-315
Verslype L.

Theory (317-345)
Social theory and post-medieval archaeology: a historical perspective 317-345
Courtney P.

Bibliography Frans Verhaeghe 1968-2009 347-382
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