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Evolution of a farming community in the Upper Thames Valley Volume 1 Site narrative and overview

AuteurPowell K., Smith A. & Laws G.




SerieThames Valley Landscapes Monograph


SubtitelExcavation of a prehistoric Roman an Post-Roman Landscape at Cotswold community Gloucestershire and Wiltshire


UitgeverOxford Archaeological Unit



Citation key--



Exemplaar80061 ReknummerT-25-1-d

Introduction 1-10
Smith A.
  • Summary of site phasing . Phase 1 - Middle Neolithic (c 3400-3000 BC) , p. 3
  • Summary of site phasing . Phase 2 - Late Neolithic / early Bronze Age (c 3000-1500 BC) , pp. 3-4
  • Summary of site phasing . Phase 3 - Middle Bronze Age (c 1500-1150 BC) , pp. 4-7
  • Summary of site phasing . Phase 4 - Late Bronze age / early Iron Age (c 1150-550 BC) , pp. 7-9
  • Summary of site phasing . Phase 5 - Middle Iron Age (c 400-100 BC) , p. 9
  • Summary of site phasing . Phase 6 - Middle - late Iron Age (c 300-1 BC) , p. 9
  • Summary of site phasing . Phase 7 - Late Iron Age - early Roman (c 1-AD 125) , p. 9
  • Summary of site phasing . Phase 8 - Mid Roman (c AD 125-250) , pp. 9-10
  • Summary of site phasing . Phase 9 - Late Roman (c AD 250-400) , p. 10
  • Summary of site phasing . Phase 10 - Saxon (c 450-850) , p. 10
  • Summary of site phasing . Phase 11 - Medieval and post-medieval , p. 10

Pastures old - From Neolithic hunter-gatherers to Bronze Age and Iron Age farmers 11-98
Powell K.
  • The earliest landscape exploitation - Middle Neolithic (phase 1) . Pits , pp. 11-17
  • Clearing the landscape - Late Neolithic - early Bronze Age (phase 2) . Late Neolithic (Phase 2a) (Pits and tree-throw holes) , pp. 17-20
  • Clearing the landscape - Late Neolithic - early Bronze Age (phase 2) . Early Bronze Age (Phase 2b) (Pits and tree-throw holes, The emergence of funerary monuments, Beaker graves) , pp. 20-25
  • Clearing the landscape - Late Neolithic - early Bronze Age (phase 2) . General Neolithic - early Bronze Age features (Phase 1/2 pits and tree-throw holes, Phase 2 pits and tree-throw holes, Timber circle? 9100) , pp. 25-29
  • Clearing the landscape - Late Neolithic - early Bronze Age (phase 2) . Discussion of the Neolithic and early Bronze Age activity (Middle Neolithic c 3400-3000 BC, Late Neolithic / early Bronze Age c 3000-1500 BC, Lifestyle and subsistence,... , pp. 29-33
  • ...Daily life - economy and exchange, Beyond the ordinary - structured deposition, Ritual and religion)
  • Settlement genesis in the Middle Bronze Age (phase 3) . Settlement Area 1: 1512-1400 BC (Phase 3a) , pp. 35-36
  • Settlement genesis in the Middle Bronze Age (phase 3) . Settlement Area 2: 1412-1260 BC (Phase 3b) , pp. 36-39
  • Settlement genesis in the Middle Bronze Age (phase 3) . Area 3: Pits and posthole alignments , pp. 39-40
  • Settlement genesis in the Middle Bronze Age (phase 3) . Enclosure 3239 - Ritual space? , pp. 40-42
  • Settlement genesis in the Middle Bronze Age (phase 3) . Middle Bronze Age activity in the north , pp. 42-44
  • Settlement genesis in the Middle Bronze Age (phase 3) . Discussion of the middle Bronze Age landscape (Environment, Lifestyle and subsistence, Metalworking, Ritual and religion) , pp. 44-46
  • Expansion and consolidation in the Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age (phase 4) . Dividing the landscape - the pit alignment , pp. 49-50
  • Expansion and consolidation in the Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age (phase 4) . Settlement Area 1(Eastern settlement area (Roundhouses, Fences and enclosures, Four-post and slot structures, Cremation 18536), Western settlement area... , pp. 50-56
  • ...(Roundhouse 18149, Surrounding structures), Southern settlement area (Post-built structures 15978 and 20363, Waterhole 485))
  • Expansion and consolidation in the Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age (phase 4) . Settlement Area 2 (Posthole alignments 5600 and 6067 and associated structures, Roundhouses 5648 and 6189, Associated structures, Pits) , pp. 56-59
  • Expansion and consolidation in the Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age (phase 4) . Settlement Area 3 (Roundhouses, Other post-built structures, Pits and waterholes) , pp. 59-61
  • Expansion and consolidation in the Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age (phase 4) . Settlement Area 4 (Main settlement - domestic area (Roundhouse complex 9830, 7209 and 8131, Isolated roundhouses, Four-post structures, Pits and waterholes),... , pp. 61-71
  • ...Northern zone - working area? (Semi-circular and sub-circular structures, Four-post structures, Other post-built structures, Fencelines, Slot structure), Eastern zone (Post-built structures, Four-post structures, Slot structures, Waterholes,...
  • ...Cattle burial 8587))
  • Expansion and consolidation in the Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age (phase 4) . Discussion of the late Bronze age - early Iron Age landscape (Environment, Lifestyle and subsistence, Ritual and religion) , pp. 71-74
  • The middle Iron Age landscape at Cotswold community (phase 5) . Discussion of the middle Iron Age landscape (Environment, Settlement, Lifestyle and subsistence, Ritual and religion) , pp. 80-82
  • Mullin D. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from prehistoric phases . Early prehistoric pottery , pp. 83-84
  • Brown L. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from prehistoric phases . Late prehistoric pottery (Late Bronze Age / early Iron Age, Middle Iron Age) , pp. 84-88
  • Lamdin-Whymark H. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from prehistoric phases . Worked flint , pp. 88-90
  • Roe F. & Shaffrey R. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from prehistoric phases . Worked stone , pp. 90-92
  • Powell K. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from prehistoric phases . Burnt stone , p. 92
  • Poole C. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from prehistoric phases . The structural fired clay and clay objects , pp. 92-93
  • Smith W. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from prehistoric phases . Charred plant remains (Middle Neolithic / early Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age / middle Iron Age) , p. 93
  • Challinor D. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from prehistoric phases . Charcoal (Neolithic / early Bronze Age, Middle / late Bronze Age, Middle Iron Age) , p. 94
  • Strid L. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from prehistoric phases . Animal bone (Special animal deposits) , pp. 94-96
  • Powell K. & Nicholson R. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from prehistoric phases . Shell , p. 96
  • Dean B. & Boston C. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from prehistoric phases . Human skeletal remains (Late Neolithic / early Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age, Middle Iron Age) , pp. 96-97

In the shadow of Corinium - the later Iron Age to late Roman period 99-187
Smith A. & Powell K.
  • The origins of settlement nucleation in the middle - late Iron Age (phase 6) . Settlement (Roundhouse structures 11951, 19985 and 19986, Waterholes, pits and gullies in the settlement area) , pp. 99-105
  • The origins of settlement nucleation in the middle - late Iron Age (phase 6) . Palisaded enclosures , pp. 106-107
  • The origins of settlement nucleation in the middle - late Iron Age (phase 6) . Discussion of mid - late Iron Age developments (Phase 6) (Nature of the settlement, Economy and status) , pp. 107-109
  • Enclosing the settlement - late Iron Age - early Roman developments (phase 7) . A possible domestic zone and evidence for buildings , pp. 113-114
  • Enclosing the settlement - late Iron Age - early Roman developments (phase 7) . Internal divisions within the settlement , pp. 114-115
  • Enclosing the settlement - late Iron Age - early Roman developments (phase 7) . Waterholes and pits in the settlement enclosure , pp. 115-116
  • Enclosing the settlement - late Iron Age - early Roman developments (phase 7) . Trackway and industrial area to the north of settlement enclosure 19999 , pp. 116-117
  • Enclosing the settlement - late Iron Age - early Roman developments (phase 7) . Discussion of the late Iron Age - early Roman settlement (Phase 7) (Character and economy of the settlement) , pp. 117-119
  • Settlement and landscape reorganisation in the middle Roman period (phase 8) . Phase 8a: Trackways and enclosure modification (c 2nd century AD) , pp. 119-123
  • Settlement and landscape reorganisation in the middle Roman period (phase 8) . Phase 8b: Large-scale settlement reorganisation (c mid 2nd - mid/later 3rd century AD) , pp. 123-126
  • Settlement and landscape reorganisation in the middle Roman period (phase 8) . Zones within the settlement (North-west zone - Agricultural/working area, South-west zone - stock management?, North-eastern zone - storage and transit?,... , pp. 126-135
  • ...South-eastern zone - a domestic focus)
  • Settlement and landscape reorganisation in the middle Roman period (phase 8) . Outside of the settlement - dividing the landscape ('Liminal' burials) , pp. 135-138
  • Settlement and landscape reorganisation in the middle Roman period (phase 8) . Discussion of the mid Roman settlement (Phase 8) (Early 2nd century developments - the trackways, Settlement transformation in the mid 2nd century AD,... , pp. 138-144
  • ...Social structure and economic regime, The farmstead within the local settlement pattern)
  • The late Roman farmstead (phase 9) . The domestic focus (Domestic zone boundaries, Structures within the domestic zone, Well, ditches and pits within the domestic zone) , pp. 147-155
  • The late Roman farmstead (phase 9) . Outlying settlement areas , pp. 155-157
  • The late Roman farmstead (phase 9) . The wider landscape in the late Roman period , p. 157
  • The late Roman farmstead (phase 9) . Dealing with the dead - the late Roman cemetery and other burials , pp. 157-164
  • The late Roman farmstead (phase 9) . Discussion of the late Roman farmstead (phase 9) (Burial practices, Site economy and reorganisation of the local landscape, The late Roman farmstead within the wider community) , pp. 164-166
  • The late Roman farmstead (phase 9) . Abandonment of the late Roman farmstead , p. 166
  • Biddulph E. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Late Iron Age and Roman pottery , pp. 167-169
  • Booth P. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Coins , pp. 169-171
  • Powell K. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Small Finds (Dress accessories and toilet implements, Military fittings and weaponry, Equine objects, Tools, Household objects) , pp. 171-177
  • Shaffrey R. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Worked stone querns and whetstones , pp. 177-178
  • Cool H.E.M. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Vessel glass , p. 178
  • Cool H.E.M. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Window glass , p. 179
  • Powell K. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Buildings and structural material , p. 180
  • Poole C. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Ceramic building material , p. 180
  • Shaffrey R. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Structural worked stone , pp. 180-181
  • Poole C. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Fired clay , pp. 181-182
  • Powell K. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Burnt stone , pp. 182-183
  • Keys L. & Powell K. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . The iron slag and industrial waste , p. 183
  • Allen S. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Worked wood , pp. 183-184
  • Challinor D. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Charcoal , p. 184
  • Smith W. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Charred plant remains , pp. 184-185
  • Strid L. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Animal bone , pp. 185-186
  • Champness C. & Stafford E. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Land and freshwater mollusca , p. 186
  • Powell K. & Nicholson R. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Marine shell , pp. 186-187
  • Dean B. & Boston C. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Human remains: Osteological summary , p. 187
  • Powell K. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the late Iron Age and Roman phases . Grave goods , p. 187

The post-Roman landscape - Saxon buildings to post-medieval field systems 189-209
Dodd A. & Powell K.
  • Saxon activity (phase 10) , pp. 189-199
  • Later medieval and post-medieval activity (phase 11) , pp. 200-202
  • Discussion of the post-Roman activity , pp. 202-205
  • Blinkhorn P. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the post-Roman phase . Pottery (Early/middle Saxon, Medieval and later) , pp. 206-207
  • Powell K. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the post-Roman phase . Small finds , p. 207
  • Poole C. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the post-Roman phase . Fired clay , pp. 207-208
  • Shaffrey R. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the post-Roman phase . Worked stone , p. 209
  • Strid L. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the post-Roman phase . Animal bone , p. 209
  • Dean B. & Boston C. : Specialist Summaries. Finds and environmental evidence from the post-Roman phase . Human remains , p. 209
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