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Yarnton Saxon and Medieval settlement and landscape

AuteurHey G.




SerieThames Valley Landscapes Monograph


SubtitelResults of excavations 1990-96


UitgeverOxford Archaeological Unit



Citation key--



Exemplaar80602 ReknummerT-25-1-d

An overview . Settlement and landscape 27-57
Hey G., Robinson M. & Munby J.
  • 5th-century and early Saxon settlement and landscape (AD 450-c 700) , pp. 37-43
  • Middle Saxon settlement and landscape (c AD 700-900) , pp. 43-49
  • Late Saxon and medieval settlement and landscape , pp. 49-57

An overview . Saxon society at Yarnton 59-84
Hey G.
  • Settlement appearance and organisation , pp. 59-75
  • Boyle A. : People and burials , pp. 75-77
  • Blinkhorn P. : Craft activity , pp. 77-81
  • Stevens C. & Robinson M. : Food production and consumption , pp. 81-84

An overview . The wider view 85-91
Hey G.
  • Early Saxon settlement , pp. 85-86
  • Middle Saxon settlement , pp. 86-91
  • Later settlement , p. 91

The sites . Yarnton: the early Saxon settlement (phase 1) 95-103
Hey G.

The sites . Yarnton: the middle Saxon settlement (phase 2) 105-137
Hey G.

The sites . Yarnton: the middle Saxon settlement (phase 3) 139-165
Hey G.

The sites . Yarnton: the late Saxon settlement (phase 4) 167-176
Hey G.

The sites . Cresswell field: Saxon settlement 177-187
Bell C.

The sites . Worton: Saxon settlement 189-198
Hey G.

The sites . Investigation on the wider landscape 199-228
  • Dyer C. & Featherstone R. : Air photographic survey . RCHME cropmark plot , pp. 199-201
  • Hey G. : Air photographic survey . Ridge-and-furrow survey , pp. 201-202
  • Hey G. : Fieldwalking , pp. 202-208
  • Hey G. : Evaluation and excavation in the wider landscape , pp. 209-215
  • Hey G. : Evaluating the Saxon cemeteries , pp. 215-216
  • Munby J. : Historical study , pp. 216-223
  • McDonald A.W. : The hedges , pp. 223-228

The sites . Geophysical survey 229-251
Linford N.

The finds and dating evidence . Scientific dating 255-266
Bayliss A. & Hey G.
  • Method . Radiocarbon analysis , p. 255
  • Method . Optically stimulated luminescence analysis , pp. 255-256

The finds and dating evidence . Pottery 267-276
  • Blinkhorn P. : Early and middle Saxon pottery (Yarnton, Cresswell Field, Worton) , pp. 267-273
  • Blinkhorn P. : Late Saxon, medieval and post-medieval pottery , pp. 273-274
  • Booth P. : Iron Age and Roman pottery from Saxon features (Yarnton, Cresswell Field) , pp. 274-276

The finds and dating evidence . Artefacts 277-305
  • Allen L. & Dodd A. : Yarnton . Objects of copper alloy, iron, bone and glass , pp. 277-288
  • Barclay A. : Yarnton . Fired clay , pp. 288-292
  • Roe F. : Yarnton . Worked stone , pp. 292-295
  • Brooks M. & Edwards G. : Yarnton . Leather objects , p. 295
  • Taylor M. : Yarnton . Wooden object , pp. 295-297
  • Dodd A. : Cresswell Field . Objects of iron and bone , pp. 297-299
  • Barclay A. : Cresswell Field . Fired clay , pp. 299-304
  • Roe F. : Cresswell Field . Worked stone , pp. 304-305
  • Allen L. : Worton . Objects of iron and bone , p. 305
  • Barclay A. : Worton . Fired clay , p. 305
  • Roe F. : Worton . Worked stone , pp. 305-305

The finds and dating evidence . Metallurgy 307-316
  • Salter C. : Ferrous metalworking debris , pp. 307-311
  • Bayley J. & Salter C. : Non-ferrous metalworking debris , p. 311
  • Gilmour B. : The metallurgy of the seax , pp. 311-316

The finds and dating evidence . The human burials 317-323
Boyle A.
  • Yarnton , pp. 317-323
  • Worton , p. 323

The finds and dating evidence . Animal bone 325-350
Mulville J. & Ayres K.

The finds and dating evidence . Environmental evidence 351-409
Greig J., Pelling R., Robinson M. & Stevens C.
  • Yarnton . Charred plant remains , pp. 351-364
  • Yarnton . Wood charcoal , pp. 364-365
  • Yarnton . Waterlogged plant and invertebrate remains , pp. 365-367
  • Yarnton . Mollusca and evidence for the extent of flooding , p. 367
  • Cresswell Field . Charred plant remains and charcoal , pp. 367-369
  • Wider landscape . Pollen from Yarnton floodplain , pp. 369-379
  • Wider landscape . Waterlogged plant and invertebrate remains and mollusca , pp. 379-409
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