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The Thames through time The archaeology of the gravel terraces of the upper and middle Thames

AuteurMorigi A., Schreve D., White M. Hey G., Garwood P., Robinson M., Barclay A. & Bradley P.




SerieThames Valley Landscapes Monograph


SubtitelEarly Prehistory to 1500 BC Part 1 the Ice Ages palaeogeography Palaeolithic archaeology and Pleistocene environments Part 2 The Mesolithic Neolithic and early Bronze Age and the establishment of permanent human occupation in the valley


UitgeverOxford Archaeological Unit



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Exemplaar85143 ReknummerT-25-1-d

Introduction and the Pre-Anglian geological, palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records 1-40
Morigi A., Schreve D. & White M.
  • Chronostratigraphy , p. 1
  • North-western European setting of the river Thames system , pp. 1-3
  • Topography and geology of the Thames catchment: an overview . An overview of the river terrace deposits of the Thames (Climatic controls on Thames terrace formation, Tectonic controls on Thames terrace formation,... , pp. 3-10
  • ...Nomenclature of the river terrace deposits)
  • Topography and geology of the Thames catchment: an overview . Palaeogeography of the ancient Thames and the distribution of its river terrace deposits , pp. 10-20
  • The Early and Middle Pleistocene environment and occupation . The Early Pleistocene , p. 20
  • The Early and Middle Pleistocene environment and occupation . The early Middle Pleistocene (The earliest occupation of Britain, Upper and Middle Thames) , pp. 20-38
  • The Early and Middle Pleistocene environment and occupation . Hominin behaviour in the Lower Palaeolithic , pp. 38-40

The diversion ot the Thames, the Hoxnian interglacial and adjacent cold stages (MIS12-11-10) 41-62
Schreve D., Morigi A. & White M.
  • The Anglian glaciation . The diversion ot the Thames , pp. 41-43
  • The Anglian glaciation . Palaeogeography of the terrace deposits , p. 43
  • The Anglian glaciation . Correlation of the terrace deposits , pp. 43-47
  • Archaeology and palaeontology of the Anglian glaciation , pp. 47-48
  • The Hoxnian interglacial . Sites outside the main area , pp. 48-52
  • The Hoxnian interglacial . Key sites in the Upper and Middle Thames , pp. 52-55
  • Key debates in Hoxnian archaeology . Clactonian-Acheulian , p. 56
  • Key debates in Hoxnian archaeology . Hominin landscapes and habitats , pp. 56-62
  • Key debates in Hoxnian archaeology . Handaxe variation , p. 62

The 'Purfleet' interglacial and adjacent cold stages (MIS 10-8) 63-85
White M., Schreve D. & Morigi A.
  • Palaeogeography of the terrace deposits . Correlation of the terrace deposits , pp. 63-65
  • The archaeology and palaeoenvironment of the 'Purfleet' interglacial , pp. 65-77
  • The archaeology and palaeoenvironment of the 'Purfleet' interglacial . Levallois technology and the early Middle Palaeolithic , pp. 77-85
  • The archaeology and palaeoenvironment of the 'Purfleet' interglacial . Behavioural changes at the Lower-Middle Palaeolithic transition , p. 85

The 'Aveley' interglacial and adjacent cold stages (MIS 8-6) 87-102
Morigi A., White M. & Schreve D.
  • Palaeogeography of the terrace deposits . Correlation of the terraces , pp. 87-88
  • Archaeology and palaeontology . Finds outside the study area , pp. 88-94
  • Archaeology and palaeontology . Sites in the main area , pp. 94-99
  • Archaeology and palaeontology . Human behaviour and population dynamics of MIS 7 , pp. 99-102

The archaeology of absence in the Late Pleistocene (MIS 6-4) 103-119
Schreve D., White M. & Morigi A.
  • Palaeogeography of the Thames terraces . Correlation of the terrace deposits , pp. 103-104
  • Archaeology and palaeontology . Is the absence real or imaginary? , pp. 104-105
  • Archaeology and palaeontology . How can the absence be explained? , pp. 105-109
  • MIS 5E: the Ipswichian interglacial , pp. 109-118
  • MIS 5D-4: the early Devensian , pp. 118-119

The Middle and early Late Devensian (MIS 3-2) 121-135
White M., Morigi A. & Schreve D.
  • Palaeogeography of the terraces . Correlation of the terraces , p. 121
  • The Late Middle Palaeolithic , pp. 121-127
  • The Early Upper Palaeolithic (EUP) , pp. 127-135

The terminal Pleistocene-early Holocene transition (MIS 2-1) 137-149
Schreve D. & White M.
  • Palaeogeography of the terraces . Correlation of the terraces , p. 137
  • Lateglacial humans and their environment . The Last Glacial Maximum , p. 137
  • Lateglacial humans and their environment . The return of humans in the Lateglacial (Windermere) Interstadial (The Late Upper Palaeolithic, The Final Upper Palaeolithic) , pp. 137-142
  • Lateglacial humans and their environment . The last cold spell: the Younger Dryas/Loch Lomond stadial , p. 142
  • Lateglacial humans and their environment . Late glacial environments , pp. 142-143
  • Lateglacial humans and their environment . Human occupation: Final Upper Palaeolithic 'long blade' industries , pp. 143-149

An Introduction to the Holocene of the Thames 151-171
Hey G. & Hayden C.
  • The nature of the evidence . Preservational environments , pp. 160-161
  • The nature of the evidence . The state of preservation of archaeological remains , pp. 161-162
  • The nature of the evidence . Investigating Mesolithic, Neolithic and early Bronze Age remains , pp. 162-167
  • Chronology and definitions: an overview . The role of material culture , pp. 167-169
  • Chronology and definitions: an overview . The impact of radiocarbon dating on our understanding of the period , p. 169

The Thames and its changing environment in our era 173-191
Robinson M.
  • Floodplain creation at the end of the Devensian , pp. 173-174
  • Palaeohydrology . The Late Devensian to Holocene transition c 11,500 cal BP/9500 cal BC , pp. 174-175
  • Palaeohydrology . The Mesolithic c 9600-4000 cal BC , pp. 175-176
  • Palaeohydrology . The Neolithic c 4000-2500 cal BC , p. 176
  • Palaeohydrology . The early Bronze Age c 2500-1500 cal BC , p. 176
  • Palaeohydrology . Aquatic conditions , p. 177
  • Vegetational succession . The early Mesolithic (Flandrian Zone I, 9400-6000 cal BC) , pp. 177-180
  • Vegetational succession . The late Mesolithic (Flandrian Zone II, 6000-4000 cal BC) , pp. 180-181
  • Vegetational succession . The Elm decline and the earliest Neolithic, c 4000 cal BC , pp. 181-182
  • Vegetational succession . The Neolithic (c 4000-2500 cal BC) , pp. 182-186
  • Vegetational succession . The early Bronze Age (2500-1500 cal BC) , pp. 186-187
  • Vegetational succession . Middle Bronze Age postscript (1500 cal BC onwards) , pp. 187-188
  • Origin and development of agriculture in the Thames Valley , pp. 188-191

Mesolithic communities in the Thames Valley: living in the natural landscape 193-220
Hey G. & Robinson M.
  • Hunter-gatherers , pp. 193-196
  • Movement and habitation in the early Mesolithic . The Kennet Valley , pp. 196-205
  • Movement and habitation in the early Mesolithic . Early Mesolithic habitation elsewhere in the Thames Valley catchment , pp. 205-208
  • Later Mesolithic habitation in the Thames Valley , pp. 208-211
  • Mesolithic lifeways , pp. 211-218
  • Hunter-gatherers and natural resources , pp. 218-220

Neolithic communities in the Thames Valley: the creation of new worlds 221-260
Hey G. & Robinson M.
  • Worlds in transition: changing landscapes of the early 4th millennium cal BC . Inherited landscapes , pp. 221-222
  • Worlds in transition: changing landscapes of the early 4th millennium cal BC . Changing landscapes (Woodland clearance, The evidence from tree-throw holes) , pp. 223-227
  • The creation of new worlds . Houses , pp. 227-236
  • The creation of new worlds . Middens , pp. 236-240
  • The creation of new worlds . Artefact scatters , pp. 240-241
  • The creation of new worlds . Pits , pp. 241-245
  • The creation of new worlds . New objects and materials , pp. 245-246
  • The creation of new worlds . New foods (Animals and dairying, Cereals) , pp. 246-247
  • The creation of new worlds . Becoming 'Neolithic' , pp. 247-248
  • Neolithic habitation: living in an altered landscape . The early Neolithic settlement of the Thames Valley , pp. 248-252
  • Neolithic habitation: living in an altered landscape . Middle and late Neolithic settlement of the Thames Valley , pp. 252-258
  • Neolithic habitation: living in an altered landscape . Later Neolithic land use and the social landscape , pp. 258-260

Inscribing the landscape: Neolithic funerary and ceremonial monuments 261-310
Hey G. & Barclay A.
  • Constructing monuments and burying the dead , pp. 261-262
  • The earliest monuments . The Cotswolds monuments , pp. 263-268
  • The earliest monuments . Early monuments on the Chalk , pp. 268-272
  • The earliest monuments . Funerary and other small monuments of the 4th millennium on the river gravels , pp. 273-285
  • Causewayed enclosures , pp. 285-293
  • Cursus monuments and bank barrows , pp. 293-302
  • Henges , pp. 302-305
  • Stone and timber circles , pp. 305-306
  • Monument complexes , pp. 306-310

Domesticating the landscape: settlement and agriculture in the early Bronze Age 311-330
Hey G. & Robinson M.
  • The end of the Neolithic, the beginning of the Bronze Age, and the Beaker phenomenon , pp. 311-315
  • Settlement at the beginning of the Bronze Age , pp. 315-317
  • Bronze Age settlement in the early 2nd millennium cal BC , pp. 317-321
  • Evidence for change in early Bronze Age settlement , pp. 321-325
  • Landscape, land use and farming , pp. 325-328
  • A changed landscape , pp. 328-330

Ritual, ceremony and cosmology 331-382
Garwood P.
  • Garwood P. : Ritual practices and ceremonial monuments . Interpreting ritual and ceremony , pp. 331-332
  • Garwood P. : Ritual practices and ceremonial monuments . Ritual and material culture: special objects and structured deposits , pp. 332-334
  • Garwood P. : Ritual practices and ceremonial monuments . Sacred places: space, knowledge and ceremonial architecture , pp. 334-338
  • Garwood P. : Ritual practices and ceremonial monuments . The creation of sacred landscapes: ritual and cosmography , pp. 338-344
  • Barclay A. : Interpreting Neolithic ceremonial monuments and depositional practices . The simple tombs of the north-east Cotswolds , pp. 345-346
  • Barclay A. : Interpreting Neolithic ceremonial monuments and depositional practices . Long barrows, cairns and mortuary structures , pp. 346-351
  • Barclay A. : Interpreting Neolithic ceremonial monuments and depositional practices . Causewayed enclosures , pp. 351-354
  • Barclay A. : Interpreting Neolithic ceremonial monuments and depositional practices . Cursus monumets and related structures in the Thames Valley , pp. 354-358
  • Barclay A. : Interpreting Neolithic ceremonial monuments and depositional practices . Henges , pp. 359-360
  • Barclay A. : Interpreting Neolithic ceremonial monuments and depositional practices . Neolithic round barrows, ring ditches and pit circles , p. 360
  • Garwood P. : Death, ceremony and monumental architecture in the Beaker period and early Bronze Age . Round barrows as ceremonial architecture , pp. 360-366
  • Garwood P. : Death, ceremony and monumental architecture in the Beaker period and early Bronze Age . Round barrow groups as ceremonial complexes , pp. 367-372
  • Barclay A. & Garwood P. : Acts of ritualised deposition in pits, tree-throw holes and middens , pp. 372-377
  • Barclay A. : River deposits and votive offerings , pp. 377-381
  • Ritual, ceremony and cosmography , pp. 381-382

Making the dead 383-432
Garwood P.
  • Garwood P. : Funerary ritual and society , pp. 383-384
  • Garwood P. : Early Neolithic mortuary practices: imagining, making and celebrating the dead , pp. 384-395
  • Garwood P. & Barclay A. : Exceptional events: complex burials in the late 4th-early 3rd millennia cal BC , pp. 395-398
  • Garwood P. & Barclay A. : A Time and a place for the cremation cemetery , pp. 398-402
  • Garwood P. : Beaker period and early Bronze Age funerary practices, 2500-1800 cal BC , pp. 402-403
  • Garwood P. : Beaker period and early Bronze Age funerary practices, 2500-1800 cal BC . Radical departures: Beaker funerary ritual and the late Neolithic ceremonial landscape , pp. 403-412
  • Garwood P. : Beaker period and early Bronze Age funerary practices, 2500-1800 cal BC . Communities of the dead, single graves and mortuary symbolism, 2100-1800 cal BC , pp. 412-418
  • Garwood P. : Early Bronze Age burials, monuments and landscape, 1900-1500 cal BC , pp. 418-419
  • Garwood P. : Early Bronze Age burials, monuments and landscape, 1900-1500 cal BC . The diversity and complexity of early Bronze Age funerary practices (Funerary deposition in 'open' arena and premound contexts,... , pp. 419-424
  • ...Funerary deposition in 'closed' primary contexts sealed by mounds, Satellite burials and complex early Bronze Age funerary architecture)
  • Garwood P. : Early Bronze Age burials, monuments and landscape, 1900-1500 cal BC . Burning events, pyres, and funerary display , p. 425
  • Garwood P. : Early Bronze Age burials, monuments and landscape, 1900-1500 cal BC . The elite dead: power and identity , pp. 425-432

Meaningful materials: procurement, production and exchange 433-463
Barclay A. & Bradley P.
  • Introduction . Meaningful materials , p. 433
  • Introduction . Exchange , pp. 434-438
  • Introduction . Deposition and discard , pp. 438-439
  • Raw materials . Flint and stone , p. 439
  • Raw materials . Shell , p. 439
  • Raw materials . Clay , p. 440
  • Raw materials . Organic materials , p. 440
  • Raw materials . Metals , p. 440
  • Production and craftsmanship . Working stone and flint , p. 440
  • Production and craftsmanship . Knowledge of materials and craftsmanship , pp. 440-444
  • Production and craftsmanship . Lithic assemblages and their analysis (Mesolithic flintworking techniques, Neolithic flintworking techniques,, Bronze Age flintworking techniques) , pp. 444-446
  • Production and craftsmanship . Stone working (Amber, Shale, lignite and jet) , pp. 446-450
  • Production and craftsmanship . Shells, fossils and other natural materials , p. 450
  • Production and craftsmanship . Faience , pp. 450-451
  • Production and craftsmanship . Organic materials (Woodworking, Worked bone, horn and antler, Textiles, fibres, leather and resin) , pp. 451-457
  • New technologies . Pottery: a novel technology , p. 457
  • New technologies . The place of potting within the community , pp. 457-458
  • New technologies . Development of pottery production and decoration , pp. 458-461
  • New technologies . The first metalwork , pp. 461-463
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