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Yarnton Iron Age and Romano-British settlement and landscape

AuteurHey G., Booth P. & Timby J.




SerieThames Valley Landscapes Monograph


SubtitelResults of excavations 1990-98


UitgeverOxford Archaeological Unit



Citation key--



Exemplaar86466 ReknummerT-25-1-d

Introduction 1-20
  • Introduction , p. 1
  • Structure of the volume , pp. 1-3
  • Site location, geology and topography , pp. 3-4
  • Background to the project , pp. 4-12
  • Previous work on the site and in the locality , pp. 12-16
  • Project objectives and methods , pp. 16-19
  • Chronology and phasing , pp. 19-20
  • Site recording procedures and terminology , p. 20
  • Archive , p. 20

Settlement and landscape 21-46
  • Introduction , p. 21
  • The landscape and settlement context , pp. 21-26
  • Early and middle Iron Age settlement and landscape , pp. 26-34
  • The late Iron Age to early Roman period , pp. 34-36
  • The early Roman period , pp. 36-40
  • The late Roman period , pp. 40-43
  • Fifth century settlement and landscape , pp. 43-46

Iron Age and Roman society 47-70
  • Introduction , p. 47
  • Early and middle Iron Age buildings , pp. 47-56
  • Early and middle Iron Age finds deposition , pp. 56-59
  • Late Iron Age/early Roman and Roman settlement , pp. 59-60
  • People and burials , pp. 60-63
  • Craft activity , pp. 63-65
  • Trade and external contact , pp. 65-67
  • Food production and consumption , pp. 67-70

The wider view 71-80
  • Introduction , p. 71
  • From the late Bronze Age to the early Iron Age: a society in transition , pp. 71-72
  • Iron Age Settlement , pp. 72-74
  • The 1st centuries BC and AD , pp. 74-76
  • The development of Yarnton in the Roman period , pp. 76-78
  • The end of Roman Yarnton , pp. 78-80

The early Iron Age 81-140
Bell C. & Stansbie D.
  • Introduction , p. 81
  • Late Bronze Age/early Iron Age transitional features , pp. 81-85
  • Early Iron Age structures , pp. 85-112
  • Enclosure ditches, gullies and fence lines , pp. 112-117
  • Other features on Cresswell Field , p. 117
  • Pits , pp. 117-140

The middle Iron Age 141-188
Bell C. & Stansbie D.
  • Introduction , p. 141
  • Middle Iron Age and associated enclosures , pp. 141-163
  • Other enclosures, ditches, gullies and fence lines , pp. 163-170
  • Pits , pp. 170-180
  • The cemetery , pp. 180-188

The late Iron Age and early Roman transition 189-208
Stansbie D.
  • Introduction , p. 189
  • Late Iron Age/early Roman structures , pp. 189-192
  • Late Iron Age/early Roman enclosures and ditches , pp. 192-202
  • Late Iron Age/early Roman pits , pp. 203-208

The early Roman period 209-236
Stansbie D. & Booth P.
  • Introduction , p. 209
  • Early Roman structures , p. 209
  • Pottery kilns , pp. 209-216
  • Early Roman enclosures , pp. 216-231
  • Early Roman pits , pp. 231-233
  • Cremation burials , pp. 233-236

The late Roman period 237-256
Stansbie D.
  • Introduction , p. 237
  • Late Roman structures , pp. 237-244
  • Late Roman enclosures , pp. 244-252
  • Late Roman pits , pp. 252-255
  • Late Roman burials , p. 255
  • Unphased Roman features , pp. 255-256

Worton in the Iron Age and Roman period 257-262
Timby J.
  • Introduction , p. 257
  • The cropmark evidence , p. 257
  • Fieldwalking , pp. 257-259
  • Evaluation trenching , pp. 259-262

Investigations of the wider landscape 263-316
  • Dyer C. & Featherstone R. : Air photographic survey , pp. 263-267
  • Fieldwalking , pp. 267-272
  • Test pits , pp. 272-275
  • Evaluation trenching and excavation in the wider landscape , pp. 275-316

Geophysical survey 317-332
Linford N.
  • Introduction , p. 317
  • Background , pp. 317-319
  • Methodology , p. 319
  • Results , pp. 319-330
  • Discussion , pp. 330-332

Absolute chronology 333-344
Bayliss A. & Hey G.
  • Bayliss A., Bronk Ramsey C., Cook G. & McCormac G. : Radiocarbon dating , p. 333
  • Rees-Jones J. : Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) analysis , pp. 333-339
  • Linford P. & Linford N. : Natural remanent magnetism , pp. 339-341
  • Analysis and interpretation , pp. 341-344

Pottery 345-418
Booth P. & Biddulph E.
  • General introduction , pp. 345-348
  • Iron Age pottery , pp. 348-363
  • Late Iron Age and Roman pottery , pp. 363-369
  • Catalogue of illustrated vessels , pp. 369-411
  • Copley M.S., Berstan R., Dudd S.N. & Evershed R.P. : Organic residue analysis of potsherds from Yarnton Cresswell Field , pp. 411-417
  • Barclay A. : Note on Iron Age pottery from Cassington floodplain sites , pp. 417-418

Artefacts 419-468
  • Timby J. : Introduction , p. 419
  • Distribution and function , pp. 419-421
  • Henig M. : Copper alloy , pp. 421-425
  • Booth P. : Coins , pp. 425-427
  • Allen L. : Iron objects , p. 427
  • Barclay A. & FeLl V. : Adze head , pp. 427-431
  • Bradley P. : Jet and shale , p. 431
  • Allen L. & Wallis J. : Worked bone and antler , pp. 431-439
  • Roe F. : Worked stone , pp. 439-447
  • Morris E. : Salt container or briquetage , pp. 447-448
  • Edwards E. & Barclay A. : Fired clay , pp. 448-453
  • Salter C. : Metal-working debris , pp. 453-460
  • Doonan R. : Analysis of copper alloy material from Cresswell Field , p. 460
  • Northover P. : Analysis of Iron Age metalwork from Yarnton floodplain , pp. 460-462
  • Gilmour B. : Technological investigation of Romano-British ironwork , pp. 462-468

Human remains 469-486
Boyle A.
  • Introduction , p. 469
  • Methodology , pp. 469-472
  • Iron Age human skeletal material , pp. 472-482
  • Romano-British human Skeletal material , pp. 482-486

Animal bone 487-522
Mulville J., Ayres K. & Smith P.
  • Methodology , pp. 487-488
  • Results , pp. 488-520
  • Discussion , pp. 520-522

Environmental evidence 523-616
  • Pelling R. : Charred plant remains form Cresswell Field , pp. 523-534
  • Stevens C. : Crop-husbandry as seen from the charred botanical samples from Yarnton , pp. 534-568
  • Greig J. : Iron Age and Roman pollen results from Yarnton Floodplain, Yarnton Cresswell field and Oxey Mead , pp. 568-576
  • Robinson M. : Iron Age and Roman palaeochannel and palaeoenvironmental sequences on the floodplain , pp. 576-613
  • Canti M. : Yarnton Floodplain geoarchaeological analysis , pp. 613-616

Waterlogged wood 617-624
Taylor M.
  • Introduction , p. 617
  • Report , pp. 617-621
  • Discussion , pp. 621-624
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