Serie: Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph




Citation key--

Publicaties in 2003

Publicaties in 2002

Gathering the people settling the land The archaeology of a middle Thames landscape Anglo-Saxon to post-medieval

Auteur: Foreman S., Hiller J. & Petts D.

Jaartal: 2002

Volume: 14

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Publicaties in 1998

Publicaties in 1997

Asthall, Oxfordshire: excavations in a Roman "Small Town"

Auteur: Booth P. M.

Jaartal: 1997

Volume: 9

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Publicaties in 1995

Two Oxfordshire Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries Berinsfield and Didcot

Auteur: Boyle A., Dodd A., Miles D. & Mudd A.

Jaartal: 1995

Volume: 8

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