Serie: Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph




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Publicaties in 2011

Yarnton Iron Age and Romano-British settlement and landscape

Auteur: Hey G., Booth P. & Timby J.

Jaartal: 2011

Volume: 35

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The Thames through time The archaeology of the gravel terraces of the upper and middle Thames

Auteur: Morigi A., Schreve D., White M. Hey G., Garwood P., Robinson M., Barclay A. & Bradley P.

Jaartal: 2011

Volume: 32

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Publicaties in 2010

Evolution of a farming community in the Upper Thames Valley Volume 1 Site narrative and overview

Auteur: Powell K., Smith A. & Laws G.

Jaartal: 2010

Volume: 31

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Publicaties in 2009

The Thames through time

Auteur: Lambrick G. & Robinson M.

Jaartal: 2009

Volume: 29

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Publicaties in 2008

Saved from the grave

Auteur: Alle T.G. & Kamash Z.

Jaartal: 2008

Volume: 28

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Publicaties in 2007

Excavations at Barrow Hills Radley Oxfordshire 1983-5 Volume 2

Auteur: Chambers R. & McAdam E.

Jaartal: 2007

Volume: 25

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Publicaties in 2005

Barentin's Manor Excavations of the Moated Manor at Harding's Field Chalgrove Oxfordshire 1976-9

Auteur: Page P., Atherton K. & Hardy A.

Jaartal: 2005

Volume: 24

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Publicaties in 2004

Green Park (Reading Business Park) Phase 2 Excavations 1995 Neolithic and Bronze Age Sites

Auteur: Brossler A., Early R. & Allen C.

Jaartal: 2004

Volume: 19

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Yarnton Saxon and Medieval settlement and landscape

Auteur: Hey G.

Jaartal: 2004

Volume: 20

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Publicaties in 2003

Lines in the landscape Cursus monuments in the Upper Thames Valley Excavations at the Drayton and Lechlade cursuses

Auteur: Barclay A., Lambrick G., Moore J. & Robinson M.

Jaartal: 2003

Volume: 15

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